Wel deuwch tua'r wlad

(Yr Achos Cenadol)
Wel, deuwch tua'r wlad,
  Y ffordd a gaed yn rhydd;
Ar ol rhyw noswaith dywyll gaeth,
  'Nawr gwawrio wnaeth y dydd,
Oddi yma i Peru,
  Mae 'fengyl Duw'n rhoi bloedd,
Yn cyhoeddi i'r Negroes dua eu lliw,
  Drugaredd Duw ar g'oedd

O fore llawn o hedd,
  Bydd hon yn wledd o fri,
Pan y cyhoeddir Jubil lawn,
  Yn hyfryd iawn i ni:
A'r udgyrn arian glâs,
  Yn rhoddi i maes y sain,
Fod iachawdwriaeth gyflawn gun,
  I'r gwaelaf un o'r rhai'n.

A doed breninoedd byd,
  Yn unfryd ato ef;
A rhoddant eu coronau lawr,
  O flaen ei orsedd gref;
Ei enw led-led sydd,
  A'i glod ef fydd uwchlaw,
Y cwbl ag sy yma i gyd,
  Ac yn y byd a ddaw.

            - - - - -
(Myned tua Chanaan nefol)
Wel, deuwch tua'r wlad,
  Y ffordd a gaed yn rhydd;
Ar ol rhyw noswaith dywell gaeth,
  'Nawr gwawrio wnaeth y dydd.

Y manna pur ar g'oedd,
  Dyferion nefoedd fry,
Sydd yn dyhidlo,
    foreu a nawn,
  Yn beraidd iawn i ni.

Y diliau hyfryd hyn
  Gawn brofi yn y man;
Afonydd gloyw felys win,
  O nefol rîn i'n rhan.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Aberdâr (alaw Ellmynig)

Tôn [MB 6686]: Whithy (<1835)

gwelir: I'r Iesu boed y clod

(The Missionary Cause)
See, come ye towards the land,
  The way has been found free;
After some dark, captive evening,
  Now the day has dawned,
From here to Peru,
  The gospel of God is giving a shout,
Publicly to the Negroes of blackest colour,
  The mercy of God is published.

From a full morning of peace,
  This shall be a renowned feast,
When the full Jubilee is published,
  Very delightfully for us:
And the silver blue trumpets,
  Giving out the sound,
That there is dear, full salvation
  For the worst one of those.

And let the world's kings come,
  Of one mind towards him;
And put their crowns down,
  Before his strong throne;
His name is spread abroad,
  And his praise shall be above,
All that is here altogether,
  And in the world to come.

                 - - - - -
(Going towards a heavenly Canaan)
See, come ye towards the land,
  The way has been found free;
After some dark, captive evening,
  Now the day has dawned.

The pure manna publicly,
  Drops of heaven heaven above,
Which are distilling,
    morning and afternoon,
  Very sweetly for us.

These delightful honeycombs
  We may taste soon;
Shining rivers of sweet wine,
  From heavenly virtue to our portion.
tr. 2018,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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